Originally was a group or association of friends who formed andstarted its activities on February 6, 2011 in Jakarta Indonesia. NBB is the initial from of the Blackberry Messenger Group which consists of 25 active members. Over the years, several new members joined the NBB, both from Jakarta and its surrounding even from outside Java,thus exceeding the capacity of the Blackberry Messenger. Looking at the enthusiasm is so great and the more routine NBB Monthly Gathering is held in the Gathering Space then be made up in order can accommodate new members without any restriction. Also at the same time enable the means of meeting space other virtual world, sharing information and the more positive information to add familiarity among members. And until recently intensified again more positive and social activities to the community. NBB trying constantly receive feedback both positive feedback from members and outside NBB.NBB late revolved into a large family of "Big Family of New Bear Brothers".
With Vision and Mission "GOOD INTENTIONS and TRUST" BFoNBB trying to make positive dreams and develop the skills the ability of members by the container BFoNBB and unify thinking positive ideas into one vision. Hopefully BFoNBB could be a container that will be formally incorporated, has a positive effort and managed jointly with a member, giving the principle of benefit and family. BFoNBB as well known in foreign countries. Having a good relationship with the community and an active community of formal and informal social institutions at all levels both within and outside.
Now BFoNBB get ready for inovation at internet media. BFoNBB have a web, blogs, mailing lists and facebook group.The Management ( The Board ) and its member BFoNBB member
Awal terbentuk NBB adalah dari Blackberry Group Messenger. NBB memulai kegiatannya pada tanggal 06 Februari 2011, beranggotakan 25 orang member aktif. Sejalan dengan perkembangan waktu, beberapa member baru ikut bergabung di NBB, baik dari Jakarta dan sekitarnya bahkan dari luar Jawa sehingga melebihi kapasitas di Blackberry Messenger.Melihat antusias yang begitu besar dan semakin rutinnya Gathering Bulanan NBB diadakan maka dibuatlah Ruang Temu di Facebook dan Blog dengan tujuan dapat menampung member baru tanpa ada batasan, sekaligus mengaktifkan sarana ruang temu dunia maya lainnya,berbagi informasi positif dan menambah keakraban antar member. Saat ini digiatkan kegiatan positif dan sosial ke masyarakat. NBB berusaha terus menerima masukan positif baik dari member maupun dari luar NBB. NBB berevolusi menjadi suatu keluarga besar yaitu “ Big Family of New Bear Brothers “. Dgn Visi dan Misi " NIAT BAIK dan TRUST " BFoNBB berusaha mewujudkan cita-cita positif,mengembangkan kemampuan member melalui wadah BFoNBB menyatukan pemikiran ide positif ke dalam satu visi misi .Harapan BFoNBB bisa menjadi suatu wadah resmi yang nantinya berbadan hukum, memiliki suatu usaha dan dikelola bersama sama member, memberikan azas manfaat dan kekeluargaan.BFoNBB bisa dikenal luas di mancanegara. Memiliki hubungan baik dan aktif dengan komunitas formal maupun informal, lembaga sosial baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri. Melalui media internet kini BFoNBB telah memiliki web. Semoga apa yang menjadi cita-cita kita bersama dapat terwujud. Selamat bergabung dan Salam NBB'ers.
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